Farewell for a little while

There’s been a lot going on in the world of online drug markets and new synthetic drugs lately. I appreciate people are interested in my commentary on these matters. I wish I could respond to you all, but unfortunately I am unable to do so.

In 4 weeks time I will go on maternity leave, and will be taking quite a few months (perhaps even a year!) away from my job. I need some time in this last month to finish up the loose ends of my project work, and then I need to prepare for the impending arrival of our first child!

If you have a new request for me, please contact the National Drug Research Institute reception on +61892661600 or ndri@curtin.edu.au where our receptionist and media officers can assign other researchers to help you.

As for my blog readers, I’m not sure how long I’ll be away – I might pop my head back in to write some ideas up, but can’t guarantee anything. Stay safe and be well. 🙂



2 thoughts on “Farewell for a little while”

  1. Congratulations, Monica! 🙂 I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and the discussions that have come out of it. Looking forward to any new ideas that might pop up here but otherwise take it easy and enjoy your time off for preparation. All the best to you and your partner and I hope you have a very healthy baby.

  2. Sending you good wishes, Monica! You must be so excited about the birth of your baby. Several of us will really miss your insights…but all that can wait. Enjoy every minute of your leave!

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